
Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application
USACE Permits: Section 404 and Section 10

FAQ: Section 404 and Section 10

What will happen if I work without getting a permit from the Corps?

If your activity is located in an area of tidal waters, the best way to avoid needing a permit is to select a site that is above the high tide line and avoids wetlands or other waterbodies. In the vicinity of fresh water, stay above the ordinary high water mark and avoid wetlands adjacent to the stream or lake. It is possible that your activity is exempt and does not need a Corps permit or that it has been authorized by a nationwide or regional general permit. Before you build, dredge or fill, contact the Corps district regulatory office in your area for specific information about location, exemptions, and regional and nationwide general permits.What are the specifications for drawings that need to be submitted with Corps applications? 

What are the specifications for drawings that need to be submitted with the Corps applications?

Look for example drawings at the Corps Regulatory website. Please not use the drawing instructions attached to downloadable versions of the JARPA form.

When should I apply for a Corps Permit?

You should apply as early as possible to be sure you have all required approvals before the date that you plan to start construction, installation, or operation of your project. For a large or complex activity that may take longer, it is often helpful to have an informal meeting (pre-application consultation) with the Corps during the early planning phase of your project. The Corps may give you helpful information or guidance that could prevent delays later. If you are not sure whether you need a permit for your project or what you need to do, call a Corps district regulatory office.

How can I get more information about Corps permit requirements?

Contact any Corps project manager for information about regulatory programs.

How can I design my project to eliminate the need for a Corps permit?

If your activity is located in an area of tidal waters, the best way to avoid needing a permit is to select a site that is above the high tide line and avoids wetlands or other waterbodies. In the vicinity of fresh water, stay above the ordinary high water mark and avoid wetlands adjacent to the stream or lake. It is possible that your activity is exempt and does not need a Corps permit or that it has been authorized by a nationwide or regional general permit. Before you build, dredge or fill, contact the Corps district regulatory office in your area for specific information about location, exemptions, and regional and nationwide general permits.

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